
ERC Funding Opportunities Webinar for Statisticians

The Executive Committee is pleased to inform you that the ERC Funding Opportunities Webinar for Statisticians program is now available on the FENStatS website.


This webinar, a collaborative effort with the European Research Council (ERC), aims to raise awareness of funding opportunities and encourage statisticians to apply for ERC grants for their research projects. The event will be held on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CEST).


During the online information session, ERC Scientific Officer Maria Gonzalez will introduce the ERC, including details on available grants, the application process, and the evaluation framework. Additionally, three successful ERC grantees (Advanced, Consolidator and Starting) with projects in Statistics will share their experiences.


To register for the webinar, please visit https://forms.gle/HaVdj3eFTn1AGxes8. Registered participants will receive the webinar link a day before the event.


The Executive Committee kindly requests your assistance disseminating this information within your respective societies. We encourage broad participation from statisticians interested in holding ERC funding. I gently ask you to publicise the occasion to your members in your newsletters or e-mailing list to gather as many interested people as possible. Also, please share our Twitter (rebranded to X) and LinkedIn posts on your social media (links here and here). We would appreciate it.


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email: g.kowalska@stat.gov.pl